Monday, June 20, 2011


Today was HF's 33rd birthday. Would it surprise you to know that he worked on his birthday and didn't get the day off, or a parade in his honor for that manner? Here's the rundown of the day:

Morning: Fed him his favorite cold cereal for breakfast. Fruit Loops. We never have the stuff in our house, so he's got to eat fast if he wants to enjoy it.

Afternoon: Shopping, he opened a couple of presents. I got him a couple of shirts, and the first season of 24. Daisy drew him a picture and made him a bookmark. He got a package from his mom.

Philly Cheesesteaks for the birthday boy's lunch. Sometimes we just can't help ourselves with those cheesesteaks...

Then off to work.

Later, we took him hot dogs from his favorite hot dog place along with his homemade cheesecake/birthday cake. It was a very fatty fat day! But he'll work it off in a day. Later when he got home, since it was kind of late, I treated him to a man movie that he's been wanting to see, True Grit, and we spent some quality time together.

Here's my cheesecake FAIL:
And here is my cheesecake save:
HF's birthday is a special anniversary for us because it is the day we met when we were teenagers. I showed up at his house with a friend and HF's sister while I was visiting from California. I think I wrote our story before, but it was love at first sight. I'm always reminded of that day's events on his birthday. Seems like it was just yesterday! And now look at us. A couple of grownups with 3 kids and a minivan. Ain't life funny?

** written on his birthday, but published later. June 10th was his birthday**


  1. Dawwww. That is an excellent birthday - that fresh fruit on the cheesecake looks mighty fine! Glad you two got some quality time too. :) (Hubba hubba)

  2. Happy Birthday Mr. Hot Fuzz! ;) Still waiting for my cheesecake to arrive in the mail. Maybe you can drive it by next summer when you road trip across the united states. ha!

  3. Happy Birthday to HF!!!!!! And props to you for attempting a cheesecake it looks awesome with the fruit and Im sure tasted good:) Your story sounds like mine 3kids and a van lol

  4. Happy birthday, HF! I'm always surprised when the city doesn't throw Gumshoe a parade on his birthday...ha!

  5. Happy birthday to your husband.

  6. Happy Birthday to your husband and anniversary to you two. Mmm I bet that cheesecake was delicious.
