I have been in contact with a doctoral student, Andrea, for some time now, who has recently been approved to conduct a research study. As you may have guessed, it has to do with police wives. Andrea is looking for 10 police wives to complete a short interview with her over the phone or via Skype/Gchat Video. If you are interested in helping her, please read the following advertisement and contact Andrea for more information and to participate. Her email is included at the bottom of the post. Good luck with your research Andrea!
Are you the
wife of a male police officer?
How have you addressed the
challenges associated with a police marriage?
I am a doctoral student conducting research about
how police marriages address the challenges that come with police work. The purpose of my research is to
explore the strategies that female spouses of male police officers use to
maintain their marriages and support their husbands as they face the stresses
of police work. Semi-structured
interviews will be conducted in person, by telephone or over the Internet to
identify what sorts of daily coping skills and strategies wives employ to
support their marriages and their spouses.
The interviews should take no more than 30 – 60 minutes, are entirely
voluntary, and your confidentiality is assured. To participate in this study,
you must be female, at least 18 years of age, and be married to a police
officer for at least one year. In
addition, you must be able to complete a
written questionnaire in English, be able to participate in an individual
interview in English, and have access to the Internet or a telephone.
Identifying the coping skills utilized
by female spouses of male police officers may have positive implications for
professional practice. Future police officers
and their spouses may be able to learn from the strategies you use to support
your marriage and your spouse. Also, it is my hope that police departments
will review this study and place more emphasis on the role of family during police
academy training and implement more supports for police families.
For more information about my study and
to participate, please contact me at Andrea.Dinsmore@gmail.com.
While not a police wife, they are a cherished part of our policing family. I will pass this call for participants to my agency and post it.
Best of luck,
Not sure if this is still open but let me know!
Oh. Spammer delight. Looks like I'm 11 months too late for your questionnaire. However, if you know anyone also looking to capture data or anecdotes from a police wife, I'm happy to help..
Deena Rafferty
Gmail is fname.lname
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