Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good
You know, I never knew the real reason behind why we celebrate Veteran's Day until recently. I knew it had something to do with honoring those who have served in the military, but that's about it. I didn't know the history behind it. If you are sketchy on the details like I was, you can read a quick history of Veteran's Day here.
Coincidentally, I have been watching WWII movies all week long. HF told one of the officers he works with that I loved WWII movies and he gave him some for us to watch, including Saving Private Ryan. That was hard to watch. I guess I like the fluffy non-gory WWII movies with Cary Grant-esque acting as opposed to what it was really like. I'm glad I watched it though. It helped me to further understand the sacrifice from those who have gone before me to preserve the freedom I enjoy today. The freedom you and I enjoy did not come free.
How do you celebrate Veteran's Day? Does your community do anything special?
Veteran's Day is always the day after my beloved Marine Corps birthday (235 years - woot!), so we spend one day partying it up, bragging about our prowess, calling up old friend shouting "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVILDOG" and then the next day (today) remembering our brothers who did not return and those who came before as well as those who follow in our tracks.
For us, it's a chance to remember those who serve. Apparently, for our town it's mostly a chance to have a day off and go shopping. :(
Thanks for thinkin' of us. Appreciate it.
It cracks me up that in other countries it is still called Armistice Day. "Saving Private Ryan" was so hard for me to watch....I almost got up and walked out of the theater during the opening shots because that was where my dad was and it hit me very hard (watched it jsut a little while after he died). It was also hard to watch because there was an older man sitting near us who cried thru out the entire movie.
I read your article about Veterans and agree with everything you've said. I too am a veteran, and a licensed social worker. I have extensive experience working with police officers and their families. My site is If you or your family need advice feel free to visit our site and ask a question in the forum.
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