Monday, August 13, 2012

HF vs. Mauro Nespoli

I am back from my summer sabbatical. Yeah, that's what we're calling it. I just thought I would put this out there: For the record, HF is not on the Italian archery Olympic team and also moonlighting as a cop here in the good ole US of A. Sorry to disappoint so many of you, but Mauro Nespoli did not write you a ticket last night, or any night as a matter of fact during the London Olympics. I do admit however that the likeness is uncanny. I don't put pictures of HF on here for safety reasons, but you'll have to take my word for it.

Mauro Nespoli, far right

I recently checked Mrs. Fuzz's email and have to apologize for all the unanswered emails. I will get to them shortly. As for now, I have got the kids ready to go back to school, I'm not quite finished with my summer bucket list, but it was a good summer with lots of sun. Tomorrow I am posting about THERAPY {insert suspenseful music... dunt dunt dunt}. HF and therapy, me and therapy, cops and therapy, and therapy in general. 


Hollywood said...

Hmmm, a cop in therapy...sounds dangerous. Good luck with that!

-Also Po-po

Jenn said...

I'm not totally convinced...

MrsMonicaLB said...

Welcome back! I'll take your word for the likeness :-)