Fuzz update: HF was cut loose from FTO yesterday. He received his shift assignment. 10 pm to 6 am. I'm actually breathing a sigh of relief because he almost had the cover shift which is 7 pm to 3 am. Can you believe that? That's just awful. He will have Sundays and Mondays off. He's excited to be on his own. I'm excited for the erratic shifts to be over. He was working a different shift every 2-3 weeks. They wanted him working with a few different FTOs so each week was something new. Poor HF hardly had time to recover from doing graves when he had to shift to days.
He also qualified with his AR-15 and did really well at that. He said a few of the veteran officers that were there teased him and told him he wasn't welcome back because he made them look bad.
He had a ton of written tests to take as well which really surprised both of us. He said that most of the tests had to do with his knowledge of department policy and procedure in addition to some general knowledge of the law. But he's done with all of that now and tonight is his first night flying solo. This is it, the beginning of the rest of our career. We are so excited.
Congrats! it's a great feeling to know he is experienced enough to be on his own, but still a little freaky! Good to finally have a shift pinned down, I remember when my DH was doing FTO and the crazy shifts he had to work! It does get better, and easier to plan things.
Hope you are doing great, and give yourself a pat on the back for surviving it along with him!!!!
Congrats HF!
Like I tell our new guys... if you don't find yourself in-over-your-head at some point in the next few months, you're not trying hard enough.
And ease up on Mrs. Fuzz and quit spitting at home.
"What does that sign say?"
"No bare feet."
Pushes kid closer to sign,
"What does THAT sign say?"
"No fighting!"
Congrats HF!
congrats on the steady hours and days off! I have to same I'm jealous as every week my husband has to switch between working 7am-3pm and 3pm-11pm. Ho hum...such is the life of a police wife!
Good Luck in the job. Remember your first priority is coming home. Stay safe and be safe
Congrats to HF for getting cut loose from FTO, I not only remember how it felt for me, but how proud I felt as an FTO whenever a new officer I trained made that final step.
And sounds like he got a great shift to start with - he will learn an incredible amount in this next year and will have the chance to experience just about everything with those hours.
Finally, congratulations and thanks to you as well - you helped HF get to this point, and he will continue to rely on the partnership you've built - so you have every reason to be proud as well!
I'm so glad he got a shift you're happy with. Congrats!
Congrats are in order for your hubbs and your family:) I'm still slowly awaiting him to be done too with field training! HOw awesome that he got a great shift to start out on! I hear ya on the shift changing ..our is like that pretty much every other week! Oh! WEll Now it's on too doing doubles for him:) lol j/k but I'm sure that too will happen* Cute Rule Sheet! I need to do that...especially that last one! I so need to enforce that..lately my 4 year old has taught my almost two year old how to spit~ Gross right??? Anyways Kudos From South TX! Blessings to you guys....:)
Congrats to you guys! That is so very exciting! I am sure I will be turning to you for some wonderful advice about this time next year when hubby gets into his FTO! Be ready for it! ;)
Hey wait, were you at my house this week?!?!? Those house rules sound like a GREAT idea. :)
congrats to you and hf!!
Yea! And 10-6 is a *way* better family shift than 7-3!!
Ah, household rules...we have to very, very specific and detailed. Our "No throwing" had to be amended to "no throwing, no tossing, no chucking, no flinging" because one day it was like our son had morphed into a lawyer with a thesaurus. Mommy, I didn't throw I just tossed it! And you never said I couldn't *toss* things in the house!
Congrats! That's nice he'll have set days off....my hubby works 6 days on, three off so it's always rotating!
Congrats! I'm sure that will improve things around the house.
My boyfriend is hoping to start at the academy in September. All he has to do at this point is pass the polygraph, which he should have no trouble with as he has taken one before, since he used to work with another dept. Right now he is a security guard and he is actually looking *forward* to that semi-erratic schedule. As a security guard his shifts are utterly random - some days he works 7a-3p, some days it's 11p-7a, some days it's 12p-8p. Occasionally they're back to back, with little to no warning. So, he's looking forward to having the same schedule for at least a few days in a row, even if it shifts every couple weeks.
I found your blog while looking around for L.E. blogs. I figure that it might be good for me to get a better concept of what it is he will be dealing with on a daily basis, as well as how that may affect things back at home. I've added you to my RSS reader and look forward to your posts!
Hubs loved that shift the best. The Best of luck to him and let us know how the rules are going...
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