Monday, January 26, 2009

good times

Maybe this will bring back "fond" memories to those of you that have been through this already. My husband (HF) is currently in the academy and doing well. He is getting into excellent shape, but right now he is like a beaten man. He comes home bruised and battered, and is sore, sore, sore! If I touch him it hurts, if he moves it hurts. Everything just hurts. It's kind of sad. We're quite the pair right now. He is sore and tired from his brutal schedule (he works graves and goes to the academy), and I am sore and tired because I am home with 3 little ones, one that is fairly brand new. When we get a few moments together, or when he is here overnight on his 2 days off, we are too tired to make out. It's so sad. I can't wait for this to be over. I go to my happy place a lot. It's somewhere sunny with an ocean. I lay on the hot sand listening to the waves crash. I'm serious. I really do this.

When HF is home for a few minutes or couple hours on a good day, our conversations are all about the law, or he is practicing arrest control. Each scenario begins with something like, "Come at me like you've got a knife". Sometimes he does dry fire drills. He brings home his targets so I can see how well he shoots. He's good! A couple nights ago he came home and said he was given a nickname. "Sultan of swing". I guess he did some impressive swinging of the baton. Yesterday they got to practice using the breathilizer on volunteer "drunks". He said I need to let him practice on me.

All in all, I still feel the same way. Excited for him to be doing what he feels is the right career choice, confident that he will be safe and protected. A lot of my faith and devotion to God has a lot to do with that, but I really don't have many issues with his choice in career. Maybe some of you are thinking, "Oh, but you will". I guess we'll see.

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