Recently, one of the dispatchers that got chummy with CJ, logged onto facebook and saw the following update on her page:
"I am now done with FTO and have just been promoted to Detective!"
I understand not wanting to tell your family and friends (that were just at your graduation 3 months ago) that you were canned, but she had to add the bit about being promoted to Detective. I'm not experienced in the ways of police work and promotions, but I think most people know that being "promoted to detective" takes some time. Like, quite a few years usually? Not, "Congratulations, you have completed FTO and are now a Detective!"
People pretend to be things they are not online, so it's not like she can get in trouble for it, but hopefully she's not acting as an LEO in public. Otherwise, the real life detectives will have to bring her in for questioning.
I guess if you but a "special detective" badge at walmart you too can be a detective.....
I almost feel sorry for her, but then I remember this is "CJ."
Lies are required to cover for other lies. I have always found that being truthful requires that I only have to tell one story--as opposed to lying and then trying to remember multiple stories.
I have talked with a great many people who want to be detectives. The only rub, is that they would be terrible street officers. Most know it. They tell me. I nod and agree.
Hmmmm...impersonating a police officer...sounds kinda fishy to me.
There was a girl in my squadron who was assigned to the tool room--she basically checked tools in and out all day. Nothing glamorous, difficult or sexy. She was actually very attractive and I guess she thought she was too pretty to be the Tool Bitch. Her story out in town was that she was the CO (Commanding Officer) yeoman (secretary). She made the mistake of using the line on one of MY friends who then asked me about her. Of course, we were merciless. Years later she put up her profile on classmates and thought she was being funny saying that she's now progressing in the world of pole dancing. Problem was that the free profile view cut off right there--only those who paid for classmates got to see the rest of her profile where she was all--ha, ha, just kidding. Hilarious! She was never all that fond of me anyway--I ended up marrying the friend she was attempting (unsuccessfully) to pick up that night!
Oh man. Apparently she's not very good at her new position, because she hasn't yet detected that she's full of crap.
Slamdunk- I know what you mean. I always tend to feel really bad for her too, and I guess I still do a litte, but turns out she was playing dirty. She was trying to use every trick in the book to get what she wanted. I hope HF will let me share that story eventually. By every trick in the book I mean EVERY trick in the book. Especially all the cliches.
Some people are sick... the scary part is that she made it through HF's department's background, polygraphy, and psychological testing.
If I risk being fired for what I post, she is clearly representing herself as a Law Enforcement Officer to a group of persons, even if in an electronic capacity. I say notify the higher up "anonymously" with the link to the page and let them do the rest.
Oh CJ, and I thought you were gone.
HM- the dispatcher notified the head mucky mucks about her facebook, and they are keeping an eye on her.
"Keeping an eye on her"?
Um... doesn't that seem a bit useless to anyone else? Of course, this is a department that didn't seem willing to address the behavior in the first place, so I suppose it's understandable that they would also fail to follow thru on this.
Personally? Someone needs to light a fire under that girl's ass.
Meadowlark-it's definitely a head scratcher. It ultimately comes down to the chief. Everyone he talked to before hiring her as a reserve said, "NO. DO not hire this person". The background investigation people, the academy instructors, other officers, basically anyone who had dealings with her. The Chief is the one that despite all this said, "I'm going to hire her and see if we can't straighten her out." Totally ridiculous. She crazy.
Wow. Is there anyone out there that would really fall for that? That she is a detective right after FTO? Seriously. The woman needs some help with subtle lies... not that I hope she gets better at it, but that is crazy stupid.
That, is CJ.
Unfortunately, it's not illegal to SAY that you're a Detective. (Nor is it illegal to be STUPID!)
What is illegal is to perform duties under that guise. That's the frustrating part. Waiting. Maybe you should have someone call her and see if she's for hire...? (P.S. Did she get hired elsewhere?)
Wow. I guess that CJ and our former female cop had more in common than I thought! I wonder if there are unicorns in that magical place she thinks is reality?
That's just weird. I'd call her out! :)
Let us know any updates...
Oh dear, someone help this poor woman. I've just read through all your CJ posts and am appalled at the fact she made it as far as she did.
As a female officer it really pisses me off when a little bit of fluff tries her hand at this job. Show up at the range in heels? Hold the gun up to your face? Slap your Use of Force Instructor?
Geez Louise...women like her set us all back a step or two. I'm all for getting 'girled-up' on days off, but at work? I'm all business. I HAVE to be - it's a dangerous world out there.
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