Sunday, May 9, 2010

this about sums up my life right now



Lazy Housewife said...

Haha, I love Family Guy! We don't have kids yet, but I've definitely seen our nieces and nephews do it to their parents.

Anonymous said...

HA! That's a great laugh on Mother's Day! It reminds me of how my sister and I would divide up the syllables of Mom-my! and each say one when we wanted her to come so she wouldn't be mad at just one of us. Ha! So funny!

Jackie said...

ha, ha, that is hilarious! That is so my son too.

Happy Mother's Day!

Momma Fargo said...

I'm there with ya! And mine is nine years old. Happy Mother's Day!

Natalie said...

I can SO relate! Only my toddler's usually trying to get my attention while we're driving. That broken record gets real old, real quick doesn't it?! And yet, I wouldn't change my life for the world. Happy (belated) Mother's Day to you as well!